Concordance des Temps



principale au futur (avec will) subordonnée de temps au prĂ©sent
She will ring you up when / as soon as / until ... she arrives
principale au passé subordonnée de temps au prétérit
She said she would ring you up when / as soon as / until ... she arrived


Propositions conditionnelles


 Subordonnée conditionnelle Proposition principale

 Condition réelle

if + présent
If he does it,
Futur / présent
he will be in trouble


if + preterit
If he did it,
conditionel présent
he would be in trouble

 Irréel du passé

if + past perfect
If he had done it,
conditionnel passé
he would have been in trouble

l'hypothèse au présent s'exprime aussi avec should et might :

Should he do this, he might be in trouble

l'hypothèse passée s'exprime aussi avec inversion et might :

Had he done this, he might have been in trouble

Discours indirect


Verbe d'introduction Discours direct Discours indirect
preterit He said
présent : "I want"
preterit : "I wanted"
futur : "I will come"
preterit ...that he wanted
past perfect
...that he had wanted
conditionel ...I would come