United Colours of Harlem

File 1

Doc A Photo

On this photo, we can see huge and colourful murals representing a musician. The colours are very bright, it gives a positive atmosphere to the neighbourhood and a good first impression when you go there.


Doc B. Maps

On these maps, we can see the five boroughs of New York, Central Park, Harlem, the Apollo Theater, the Hudson River, etc.

Doc C. Harlem History

This document is a short audio from a video about the history of Harlem. It says that this neighbourhood faces poverty, crime and racial discrimination, but fought against all of that and contributed to the Civil Rights Movement and welcomed immigrants.
Now share People mostly see Harlem as one of the poorest neighbourhoods of New York, but it has a complex history and a rich culture.

script :

A neighbourhood with a complex history that has shaped America’s cultural and political landscape from its contributions to the civil rights movement to welcoming immigrants with open arms, Harlem has also been brought to its knees by poverty, crime and racial discrimination. But it has always been lifted up by activism, music and art.